Catch the Vision of Relief Society

Regional Relief Society Conference at BYU-Idaho held on Saturday February 26th 2011 with Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society President presiding

Three Purposes of Relief Society
+ Increase faith and personal righteousness
+ Strengthen families and homes
+ Seek out and help those in need

Sister Beck opened the conference by saying she was speaking to “some of the finest women this church has ever produced.” What an amazing compliment! She also said she thought our conference was “maybe the largest gathering of LDS women ever in south-east Idaho.” The spirit felt throughout the conference was so strong – what a gathering!

Here are some wonderfully uplifting quotes from Sister Beck:
Sister Beck urged us to focus on listening to spiritual promptings in every area of our lives from the small things to the really big things.

“We are a part of Heavenly Fathers’ plan. We are not a left over! We are somebody!”

“Relief Society lifts and strengthens women so they can lift and strengthen their own families, friends and communities.”

“The Lord owns your gifts” (talents) and he can call upon them to fulfill His desires

“Love him, Serve Him, Invite Him In”

“We must live in defense of the Lord’s plan”

Great Question - Great Answers

How can I find a testimony of Relief Society?
Women are an integral part of Heavenly Fathers plan. “Women are an equal half of a divine pair. Until you understand that, you don’t know what Relief Society is.”

How bold can we be when speaking with sisters who are turning away from the gospel?
The Lord expects us to express the truthfulness of the Gospel in love and tenderness. “The gospel will be proclaimed by the weak and simple until the ends of the world” Study Matthew 24, Timothy 3 and Alma 30 for more insight.

How can Relief Society help single sisters and those with no children feel a part of Relief Society?
“Qualify for, seek, act and receive revelation from the spirit” as to how to support any and all sisters. Know that half to one-third of all sisters world wide are single. Keep the Three Purposes of Relief Society in mind at all times.

How can we help inactive and new members to uphold gospel values and keep them strong in the faith?
Help sisters understand their role in the Plan of Salvation and in the Restoration of the Gospel. Study Rebecca, Mary, Martha and other women in the scriptures for more insight. Also D&C 11:11 Verse 12.

How can we find a balance in life between all of our responsibilities?

Align yourself with the Lord and each night, ask your Heavenly Father if you did all right today remembering that your best effort he accepts, and righteous offerings he loves. Focus on the things that are of worth and create true satisfaction. Do the essential things first. These are the things the Lord asks of you like daily prayer, scripture study, etc. Then do the necessary things. These are taking care of people, keeping clean homes, etc. Lastly, there are things that are just nice to do like hobbies. Be self-reliant and “be a good tool in the Lord’s hands.” “Pray always lest you enter into temptation.” Always remember “You personal best efforts the Lord accepts.”

How often should we go to the Temple?
All members, young and old, single or endowed, should go to the temple as often as necessary to feel the Holy Ghost and receive strength from attendance. Go “when the Holy Ghost tells you” you need to go.

How can single moms feel more included in Relief Society?
Remember you part in the Plan of Salvation and in the Restoration of the Gospel. “Never assume the person you are talking to doesn’t need something also.” With this attitude, feelings of discomfort with melt away. Focus on others and become a light in your ward by serving others.

How can newly active sisters feel more confident in their callings?

“Don’t underestimate what a new testimony can do to uplift members. Bear your testimony about what you do know” and about what you are learning. You are a shining example of Heavenly Fathers eternal plan!

How can sisters stem the tide of pornography?
Defend the home and family rigorously. Lead by example in your life by keeping high standards and boundaries. Recognize you are a target of the adversary. “Satan is competing for your mind share and your money.” Recognize Satan’s strategies: He provokes anger against that which is good, he encourages apathy and acceptance of wrongs, and he fosters a feeling of entitlement in our lives. Study 2nd Nephi 28:20 for more insight

How can we better cope with our inactive children?
Never forget the blessings of having children. Remember that, as parents, you are learning about good and evil just as Adam and Eve did. You children agreed to the Plan of Salvation prior to their birth, just as you did. Children today require strong leadership based upon your own education, experiences and faith because they are the “toughest” spirits to be sent to earth and they require it. “Call down the powers of heaven through prayer.” “Pray for miracles.” “It is by faith miracles are wrought.”

How can we prepare the earth to receive our King?
Make and receive sacred covenants. Defend the home and family with vigor. Nurture spiritual growth and provide safety and protection in the home. “Create acclimate in the home where the spirit resides.” Recognize that “we are weak but our example exudes the strength of the Lord.”

Notes about Visiting Teaching
Visiting Teaching is a sacred opportunity to be the Lords heart and hands. “It is about what you are willing to give back, not what you are willing to receive.” Focus more on the needs of the sisters you visit than the lesson you have prepared. While the lesson is important, being in-tune with the spirit and using this guidance to help guide your interactions with the sisters you visit is essential.

Φ Let us breathe new life into Relief Society! It is not something of the past but the shining light of the future.

Φ Relief Society should draw the people to the gospel because of our sisterhood.

Φ “We don’t have to be worried – we just have to be faithful”

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